Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Today is My Birthday
In this post
another post by blogger sumona
In this post
The blog site in bengali.
"Love is when your mouth has no need to move to make her happy because your heart is beating, and that's all that matters." Kaitlin Rogers
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
International Day for Reemember
January 1 - World Day of Peace - estabilished by pope Paul VI in his letter dated on 8.12.1967
January 6 - World day for War orphans - initiated by (S.O.S Enfants En Detresse - by Stephen N. Kinuthia)
January 11 - International Day for Peace in Kenya January 11, 2008. Recent events in the country left Kenyans in fear of their future. The stalemate between the political leaders has created opportunity for destructive forces, and organized militia, which have risen to kill innocent people (more than 450 killed, thousands injured and over 250,000 displaced - initiated by (Kenya Welfare Foundation & Kenya Development Network and Consortium)
3rd Sunday of January - World Religion Day - established in 1950
January 27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day, recognized by the UN
January 28 - Data Protection Day - recognized by the Council of Europe
February 2 - World Wetlands Day
February 4 - World Cancer Day
February 4 - International Tacky Email Formatting Day
February 6 - International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation
February 12 - Darwin Day
February 12 - World Day of the Sick, an observance day instituted by pope John Paul II.
February 14 - Valentines Day
February 20 - World Day of Social Justice, recognized by the UN
February 21 - International Mother Language Day, recognized by the UN
March 4 - World Day of the Fight Against Sexual Exploitation ONG GIPF (site (French))
March 8 - United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace, recognized by the UN
March 8 - International Women's Day [3], recognized by the UN
March 15 - World Consumer Rights Day
March 20 - International Day of the Francophonie (site (French))
March 20 - World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People [4]
March 21 - World Sleep Day
March 21 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, recognized by the UN
March 22 - World Day for Water, recognized by the UN
March 23 - World Meteorological Day, recognized by the UN
March 24 - International Day for Achievers, World Tuberculosis Day, recognized by the UN
March 25 - International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, recognized by the UN
March 27 - World Theatre Day
April 2 - World Autism Awareness Day, recognized by the UN
April 4 - International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, recognized by the UN
April 7 - World Health Day, recognized by the World Federation of Hemophilia
April 7 - International Day of Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda, recognized by the UN
April 7 - World Hemophilia Day, recognized by the UN
April 21 - World Creativity and Innovation Day. Celebrations begin April 15th - Leonardo da Vinci's Birthday
April 22 - Earth Day
April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day, recognized by the UN
April 23 - International Nose Picking Day
April 25 - World Malaria Day, recognized by the WHO
April 26 - World Intellectual Property Day, recognized by the UN
April 28 - International Workers' Memorial Day
April 29 - World Dance Day
May 1 - May Day - Labour Day
May 3 - World Press Freedom Day, recognized by the UN
May 4 - International Firefighters' Day
May 8 - World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
May 8-May 9 - Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War, recognized by the UN
May 12 - International Nurses Day
May 15 - International Day of Families, recognized by the UN
May 17 - World Telecommunication Day, recognized by the UN
May 19 - World Hepatitis Day
May 21 - World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, recognized by the UN
May 22 - International Day for Biological Diversity, recognized by the UN
May 29 - International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, recognized by the UN
May 31 - World No Tobacco Day, recognized by the UN
1st Tuesday of May - World Asthma Day
2nd Saturday of May - World Fair Trade Day
June 1 - International Children's Day
June 4 - International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression, recognized by the UN
June 5 - World Environment Day, recognized by the UN
June 8 - World Brain Tumour Day
June 8 - World Ocean Day
June 12 - World Day against Child Labour
June 14 - World Blood Donor Day, recognized by the UN
June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, recognized by the UN
June 18 - International Picnic Day
June 20 - World Refugee Day, recognized by the UN
June 21 - World Music Day
June 23 - United Nations Public Service Day, recognized by the UN
June 26 - International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, recognized by the UN
June 26 - International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, recognized by the UN
1st Saturday of July - International Day of Cooperatives, recognized by the UN
July 11 - World Population Day, recognized by the UN
August 9 - International Day of the World's Indigenous People, recognized by the UN
August 12 - International Youth Day, recognized by the UN
August 13 - Left-Handers Day
August 23 - International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition, recognized by the UN
August 26 - Namibia Day, recognized by the UN
September 8 - International Literacy Day, recognized by the UN
September 11 - World First Aid Day
September 15 - International Day of Democracy, recognized by the UN
September 16 - International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, recognized by the UN
September 19 - International Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 21 - International Day of Peace, recognized by the UN
September 21 - World Alzheimer's Day
September 22 - (World) Car Free Day(s)
September 25 - International Grab Hand Day. Not Recognised by UN, but only those in the GIS Industry, and all associated IT Disciplines.
September 26 - European Day of Languages
September 27 - World Tourism Day
September 28 - Right to Know Day
September 28 - World Rabies Day
4th week of September - (International) Peace Week
During last week of September - World Maritime Day, recognized by the UN
First Monday of October - World Habitat Day, recognized by the UN
October 1 - International Day of Older Persons, recognized by the UN
October 1 - World Vegetarian Day
October 2 - International Day of Non-Violence, recognized by the UN, observed on M.K. Gandhi's birthday
October 4 - World Animal Day
October 5 - World Teachers' Day
Second Wednesday of October - International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction, recognized by the UN
October 6 - World Hospice and Palliative Care Day
October 8 - World Humanitarian Action Day
October 9 - World Post Day, recognized by the UN
October 10 - World Mental Health Day, recognized by the UN
October 10 - World Day Against Death Penalty, recognized by the WCADP
October 14 - World Standards Day
October 15 - International Day of Rural Women, recognized by the UN
October 15 - Foundation of the Black Panthers Day
October 16 - World Food Day, recognized by the UN
October 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, recognized by the UN
October 24 - United Nations Day, recognized by the UN
October 24 - World Development Information Day, recognized by the UN
Third Sunday of November - World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, recognized by the UN
November 1 - World Vegan Day
November 6 - International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, recognized by the UN
November 8 - World Radiographer Day
November 9 - World Freedom Day
November 14 - World Diabetes Day, recognized by the UN
November 16 - International Day for Tolerance, recognized by the UN
November 17 - International Students Day
November 19 - International Men's Day (Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Australia, India, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States, Malta)
November 19 - World Toilet Day
November 20 - Africa Industrialization Day, recognized by the UN
November 20 - Universal Children's Day, recognized by the UN
November 21 - World Hello Day
November 21 - World Television Day, recognized by the UN
November 25 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, recognized by the UN
November 29 - International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, recognized by the UN
December 1 - World AIDS Day, recognized by the UN
December 2 - International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, recognized by the UN
December 3 - International Day of Disabled Persons, recognized by the UN
December 5 - International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development, recognized by the UN
December 7 - International Civil Aviation Day, recognized by the UN
December 9 - The International Day against Corruption, recognized by the UN
December 10 - Human Rights Day, recognized by the UN
December 11 - International Mountain Day, recognized by the UN
December 18 - International Migrants Day, recognized by the UN
December 19 - United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, recognized by the UN
December 20 - International Human Solidarity Day, recognized by the UN
Day For Dairy

Day for Dairy
"Love comforteth like sunshine after rain." William Shakespeare
"They say it is to know the union with love that the soul takes union
with the body". Tiruvalluvar, Tirukkural: 73
"Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage
which you think is particularly fine, strike it out."- Samuel Johnson
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls
and looks like work."- Thomas A. Edison
"Trying to be a first-rate reporter on the average American newspaper
is like trying to play Bach's 'St. Matthew's Passion' on a ukulele."- Bagdikian's Observatio
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The man with net
Lvoe in White Day

Today is White Day, The day of love.
Tushar and his girlfriend Ruma walking in park.
Once Ruma said--"What is Love?"
Tushar said--
"Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you
don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head
over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love
you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and
listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you
get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense
living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply
in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try.
Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived."
Ruma asked--" Who said this?"
Tushar said--"William Parrish,from the movie, Meet Joe Black (1998)."
Ruma said--"Thank you for the quote."
Then Tushar said--
"The power of a glance... It is in this way that love begins, and in
this way only... Nothing is more real than these great shocks which
two souls give each other in exchanging this spark."
Ruma asked--" Quote from whom?"
Tushar said--
"Victor Hugo."

White Day

Tushar and his girlfriend Tonuja walking on the road.
Tushar said -"Do you know what day it is?"
Tonua said--" What is it?"
Tushar--" It ia another valentine day."
Tonua --" How it is?"
Tushar--" Wikipidia said--White Day was first celebrated in 1978 in Japan. It was started by the National Confectionery Industry Association as an "answer day" to Valentine's Day on the grounds that men should pay back the women who gave them chocolate and other gifts on Valentine's Day. In 1977 a Fukuoka-based confectionery company, Ishimura Manseido, marketed marshmallows to men on March 14, calling it Marshmallow Day (マシュマロデー).[4]
Soon thereafter, confectionery companies began marketing white chocolate. Now, men give both white and dark chocolate, as well as other edible and non-edible gifts, such as jewelry or objects of sentimental value, or white clothing like lingerie, to women from whom they received chocolate on Valentine's Day one month earlier. If the chocolate given to him was giri choco, the man as well may not be expressing actual romantic interest, but rather a social obligation.
White Day in Japan
In Japan, Valentine's Day is observed by females who present chocolate gifts (either store-bought or handmade), usually to a male, as an expression of love. The handmade chocolate is usually preferred by the receiver, because it is a sign that the receiving male is the girl's "only one". On White Day, the converse happens: males who received a "honmei-choco" [chocolate of love] or "giri-choco" [courtesy chocolate] on Valentine's Day are expected to return the favor by giving gifts, usually more expensive. Traditionally, popular White Day gifts are cookies, jewellery, white chocolate, and marshmallows. Sometimes the term sanbai gaeshi (literally, "thrice the return") is used to describe the generally recited rule that the return gift should be two to three times the cost of the Valentine's gift.
White Day is also observed in South Korea, with an additional later Black Day observed for those sharing singleness."

Tonua --"Thank you."
Tushar--" In this day Einstein was born on 1879."
Tonua -" Whouh!"
Tushar-" Yes, wikipedia said--
Albert Einstein was born into a Jewish family in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire on March 14, 1879. His father was Hermann Einstein, a salesman and engineer. His mother was Pauline Einstein (née Koch). In 1880, the family moved to Munich, where his father and his uncle founded a company, Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie, that manufactured electrical equipment based on Direct current."
Earn money with Google Adsense
In reply Tushar said--"It is easy with Google AdSense."
--"Google AdSense, which is the way to get it?"
--"If you have a blog or site, you can Apply for it with your Google Account."
--"Google Account, What it is?"
--"An e-mail Address under or"
--"I have no e-mail id with google, so?"
--"sign up under google."
--" then?"
--" sign up under google AdSense."
--" what is the simple way, will you discus it?"
--" off course, click on 'sign up now' button."
--" Then?"
--" You will get website information .
website URL ' put your blog or website URL here'
website language 'English-English'
then you will check the two boxes as OK.
Put your account type as 'individual.
Then type your country name 'India'
Payee name is your name, which you use on your bank account.
Type your contact information as like
street address
Telephone numbers"
--" a question for you."
--" What it is?"
--"How did you find out about Google AdSense."
--" From you, Friend/Colleague"
--" Thank you. Then in "policies you will check those box as OK.
Then you will put your google e-mail id as existing GMail user.
Then click on 'submit Information'"
--" After reviewing your site or blog Adsense send you mail and if all are OK, you will get the pub code.
Put the code on your blog or site."
--" Then?"
--" When traffic come to your blog or site and if they click on Google ads, you will pay the some. But
remember it, You will not a single click on those ads, If you do so google will cansel your account."
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thoughtfull mind, helthfull life
"Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and
preserves. Its eternal goal is life." Smiley Blanton
"Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex
raises some pretty interesting questions". Woody Allen
Gramer of the day
(verb) To support by placing something beneath or against.
Synonyms: shore up
Usage: I had to prop my head up with my fist to keep from nodding off
during the boring speech.
The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for
us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it.
- Patrick Young
Laughter is the closest distance between two people.
- Victor Borge
Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know
and I don't care.
- William Safire
Life is like
Today in My Eye

In 20-20 Match top ten run maker Batsman
.Name ............................Coun....Mat...... Inns...... No... Runs.... Ave... HS............ 50s
1 Brendon McCullum ......NZ..... 21......... 21......... 4...... 582... 34.23... 69*............ 4
2 Misbah-ul-Haq ...............Pak.... 14......... 13.......... 6...... 398.... 56.85... 87*.......... 3
3 Shoaib Malik .................Pak..... 16......... 15.......... 3 .....383..... 31.91... 57........... 2
4 Ricky Ponting ...............Aus...... 13......... 12......... 2..... 374..... 37.40... 98*....... ... 2
5 Graeme Smith ...............SA .......12....... 12........... 2..... 364...... 36.40... 89*...... ... 3
6 Kevin Pietersen ..............Eng..... 14........ 14.......... 1..... 363...... 27.92.... 79........ .. 1
7 Sanath Jayasuriya ...........SL....... 11........ 11.......... 1..... 341...... 34.10.... 88....... ... 3
8 Andrew Symonds...........Aus....... 13...... 10........... 4..... 337....... 56.16.... 85*...... . 2
9 Paul Collingwood........... Eng........ 14...... 13......... 0..... 330....... 25.38.... 79...........3
10 Gautam Gambhir...........Ind.......... 12...... 11........ 0..... 328........ 29.81.... 75...... ... 4

1 Sachin Tendulkar Ind 425 415 39 16684 44.3723 186* 43 91 20
2 Sanath Jayasuriya SL 432 420 18 13151 32.7139 189 28 67 33
3 Inzamam-ul-Haq Pak 378 350 53 11739 39.5253 137* 10 83 20
4 Ricky Ponting Aus 310 301 35 11365 42.7256 164 26 66 17
5 Sourav Ganguly Ind 311 300 23 11363 41.0217 183 22 72 16
6 Rahul Dravid Ind 333 308 40 10585 39.4963 153 12 81 13
7 Brian Lara WI 299 289 32 10405 40.4864 169 19 63 16
8 Jacques Kallis SA 287 272 51 10044 45.4480 139 16 71 15
9 Adam Gilchrist Aus 287 279 11 9619 35.8918 172 16 55 19
10 Mohammad Azharuddin Ind 334 308 54 9378 36.9213 153* 7 58 9
Top ten run maker Batsman in Test Cricket

# Player Name Team Mat Inns No Runs Ave HS 100s 50s 0s
1 Sachin Tendulkar Ind 156 256 27 12429 54.2751 248* 41 51 14
2 Brian Lara WI 131 232 6 11953 52.8894 400* 34 48 17
3 Allan Border Aus 156 265 44 11174 50.5611 205 27 63 11
4 Ricky Ponting Aus 130 219 26 10948 56.7254 257 37 46 10
5 Steve Waugh Aus 168 260 46 10927 51.0607 200 32 50 22
6 Rahul Dravid Ind 131 227 26 10509 52.2836 270 26 53 8
7 Jacques Kallis SA 130 220 33 10175 54.4118 189* 30 51 10
8 Sunil Gavaskar Ind 125 214 16 10122 51.1212 236* 34 45 12
9 Graham Gooch Eng 118 215 6 8900 42.5837 333 20 46 13
10 Javed Miandad Pak 124 189 21 8832 52.5714 280* 23 23 6
My Life is on joy

My Life on joy
Sulekha write on his blog about my success
There is some Bengali site ,which can published some Bengali articles. I am a member of some blog site.
I will give you some review about it.
14 February was the day of love, one blog site named "" arranged a competition on
love poem.
more than 100 poets participate with his poetry.
Five selector review all of the poems, then they give the result by voting.
With five vote the poem of tusharahasan named"valobasar kobita-2" become first.
Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the Real with the ideal never goes unpunished." Goethe
My thought love is
man in mind
love in heart
life is long
some wrong
The world in My Eye
India Vs Newzieland.
5th ODI,
On Eden Park, Aucland Ground.

Scroe card of privous match--(4th ODI)
Seddon Park, Hamilton, March 11, 2009
New Zealand won the toss and elected to bat
Seore card
New Zealand
J. Ryder c Raina b Yuvraj Singh 46
B. McCullum lbw Khan 77
R. Taylor c R. Sharma b Pathan 5
M. Guptill c sub b I. Sharma 25
J. Oram c Dhoni b Ishant Sharma 1
P. McGlashan not out 56
G. Elliott not out 35
Extras lb 9, w 13, nb 3 25
Total for five wickets 270
Fall of wkts 1-102, 2-114, 3-155, 4-156, 5-175
Khan 10-0-49-1, Kumar 7-0-51-0, Sharma 8-0-57-2,
Yuvrag Singh 9-0-40-1,
Yousuf Pathan 5-0-14-1, Harbhajan Singh 8-0-50-0
G. Gambhir not out 63
V. Sehwag not out 125
Extras lb 9, w 4 13
Total for no loss 201
Mills 5-0-29-0, Thompson 4-0-42-0, O'Brien 3-0-37-0,
Vettori 5-0-32-0, Oram 4.3-0-43-0, Elliott 2-0-9-0
Match Status: India win by 84 runs
Man of the match-Verendra Sehwag
Note --Verendra Sehwag break the record of Md Azharuddin which was the fastes hundred in ODI for
India, Azhar made his hundred on 61 ball, but Sehwah made it 60 balls.
World record is for Syeed Afride(pakistan), it is made on only 37 balls agienest Srilanka.
To Day
(noun) Tissue or organ transplanted from a donor to a recipient; in some cases the patient can be both donor and recipient.
Synonyms: transplant
Usage: The fireman had suffered severe burns to much of his body, and his colleagues were relieved to learn that he would not need a skin graft.
The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything.
- Walter Bagehot
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him.
- Robert Benchley
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Boybip news of the day
Fine word for me--
It is only the great men who are truly obscene. If they had not dared to be obscene, they could never have dared to be great.
- Havelock Ellis
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.
- Charles Mackay
Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist.
- Harrison Ford
Think about it
Her need for me And mine for she Has made my Winter Spring." Robert
world in my day
India beat newzleand by 10 wickets. In the five match
serise India take 3-0 lead now.
Verendra Sehwag is man of the match for his
unbeaten century.
News from newspapers(Times of India)
AIZWAL: A woman and her daughter were burnt to death in a forest fire
at Sesang, about 50
km from here, in Mizoram on Tuesday.
The blaze, fanned by gusty wind, swept through forested area trapping
the two, official sources said.
The two were identified as Tlingi (40) and her 10-year-old daughter.
With the fire still raging, volunteers belonging to the Young Mizo
Association (YMA) cordoned off the whole place
and making effort to put off the flames.
The traditional Mizo way of cultivation by slash-and-burn shifting had
caused wanton destruction to the forest in
the state for hundreds of years.
Science News
People with type O blood are less likely to develop cancer of the
pancreas than are people with type B blood, a study finds. People with
type A or AB blood face a risk that falls somewhere in between,
researchers report in the March 18 Journal of the National Cancer
Marrage jokes--
Q: Why did Frosty the Snowman want a divorce?
A: He thought his wife was a flake.
Jokes for all-
The man approached a very beautiful woman in a large supermarket and asked, "You know, I've lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"
"Why?" she asks.
"Because every time I talk to a a beautiful woman, my wife appears out of nowhere."
My Eye On The World
"It is probably not love that makes the world go around but rather those mutually supportive alliances through which partners recognize their dependence on each other for the achievement of shared and private goals."
I donn't know who said it, are you know?
jokes of the day